大阪 南船場に出来た、和食をメインに様々な一品料理を提供する居酒屋のデザイン。
カウンターがメインの空間は店主、料理、器の美しさを引き立たせるため床、壁、天井をコンクリートとモルタルの同一素材で統一し、 そこにヒノキの無垢のカウンターが浮かび上がるイメージでレイアウトした。
また日本の食材のみを使用するお店を引き立たせるためカウンター材、木材、椅子、照明器具、コートフック、銅板など手に入るものは全て日本で作られている物を使用し、 和食との相性を徹底的に突き詰めた。
Designed at the Osaka Minamisenba, a Japanese style pub is designed to serve a variety of Japanese a la carte, mainly for Japanese food.
The floor,walls,and ceiling the counter of main space is unified with the same material of conrete and mortar to stand out beauty of owners,dishes and plates.
Also, I layouted at the space with an image in which a natural wood counter of Hinoki to appear there.
By limiting the material to the limit, a strong presence in the counter was born, so Ithink that the relationship between shopkeepers and customers was deepened.
Also, copper dyeing boards that installed it in front of the customer are made of handwork while considering the image of space one by one, resonate with the only dish which can only be tasted at this place.
Furthermore, in order to stand out the shops that use only Japanese ingredients, everything that is available in Japan, such as counter material, wood, chairs, lighting equipment, coat hooks, copper plates, etc.,
I thoroughly pursued the compatibility with Japanese food and used what made in japan.
While using the simple elements of Japanese food to the fullest, I want them to shake off the category called “Izakaya” and become a place to be loved by people.
Type / tavern
Place / 1-8-12 minamisenba chuouku osaka japan
Floor area / 42㎡
Complete / may.2017
Photo / takeshi asano
Lighting Design / NEW LIGHT POTTERY